Monday, January 14, 2008

Today is the day!

The count down is on and today is the day that Amazon will narrow the list of 5000 authors in their Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest to 1000. It is exciting and I feel so blessed to be one of the 5000 considered with my little novel, "The Scrapbook". I will try and post more later in the day. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I know in the scheme of things this little contest isn't all that important...but succeeding in this could open so many doors for me personally, which in turn will create so many ways to help others. All I have ever wanted is to use my God-given talents and abilities to do what is good and right and help those I can along the way.

I am trying not to have anxiety while I wait patiently.

Be sure to check out my profile at and thanks again!

1 comment:

The Preister's said...

congrats...just got the BIG email!! I hope this brings lots of good things for you!