In just a few days we will be celebrating the birth of our Lord...Christmas. I hope you all are enjoying these last few days of preparation and anticipation. Our little tree is up and the gifts are wrapped to share with our loved ones. We have already celebrated early with some of them, but it is Christmas Day that I look forward to the most. Although things have changed through the years the one constant is the true meaning of Christmas...Jesus. The gifts we give each other are symbolic of the gift God gave to us...His Son...the best gift of all...a gift from the heart to fill our hearts. I hope you are all able to give gifts from the heart this year and not just fancy presents and packages. I have received two very special gifts, so far, this year. One from my daughter, Melissa and her family...a digital photo album. It is my favorite color, red, and small enough to fit into my purse. It will hold thousands of photos as well as music, movies and e-books. I'm still trying to figure it all out, but it's really neat. My daughter knows how important my pictures of my family are to me. The second gift is from my son, Brandon and his wife, Amy. She created a DVD with music of our Christmas last year and their family pictures from 2008. She also made a DVD of old pictures of my Dad and my family with music...they are awesome! I will treasure these gifts because they were given from the heart. I have yet to receive the Christmas gift I long for from my youngest daughter...her acceptance...maybe next year.
Another wonderful gift was given to me through my surgeon on December 10. I had my gall bladder removed and am now feeling soooooo much better. Apparently, by its appearance after removal, it has been bad for a very long time and probably contributed greatly to why I have felt so sick and possibly why I have gained weight and was unable to lose weight. I am so grateful! Thank you Dr. M!!!!
Christmas Eve we will be celebrating with Bob's mom, Lois and her fiance, Allen. We will have a light dinner, open gifts, and attend Midnight Mass with them. On Christams Day Bob and I will probably go see a movie...a new tradition we have started. This is just our 4th Christmas together...a short time, actually, but I feel like I've known him all my life. Everyday is a gift with him! Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas everyone!